Degercy Deutsch

Create Your Own Product

Why settle for pre-made styles when you can create your own design world? T-shirts, sweaters, mugs - turn them into your canvas and show the world your unique style!

Collage Jacket

Degercy Deutsch

Men's T-Shirt

Degercy Deutsch

Women's T-Shirt

Degercy Deutsch

Kids T-Shirt

Degercy Deutsch

Create Your Own Story

Discover the captivating stories behind each of our characters here and immerse yourself in their fascinating worlds.

Character Image

Linda Sandate

Character Image

Sora Tamball

Character Image

Aline Tamball

Character Image

Yuto Satoba

Character Image

Sandra Gotha

More Characters

Sandra Gotha Yuna Satoba
Image 1 Image 2

Don't just wear clothes, wear a message. Show your passion for anime, gothic and co.

Yuto Satoba

Als Yuto Satoshi, ein 22-jähriger Mann, habe ich meine Leidenschaft für die Welt der Fantasie und Gaming entdeckt. Als Träumer und Spieler tauche ich täglich in faszinierende Welten ein, wo ich meine kreative Seite auslebe und digitale Abenteuer erlebe.

That's what makes me special

My properties


I love to experience new things and would like to experience something new every day.


I have a dream of visiting another world one day.

Designer & Photograph

I love being creative and taking photos.

Has feelings for Alina

I have loved Alina in a tacit way since we were children. My feelings for her have developed in secret while she remained unsuspecting.